Bauxite Types
Types of Bauxite Bauxite deposits are commonly referred to by a number of different terminologies relating to either their mineralogy or geological formation. Alternately they may be described by likening them to other well known deposits elsewhere around the globe. According the to their mineralogy: Trihydrate or gibbsitic bauxite: consisting chiefly of gibbsite Mixed bauxite: typically consisting of significant proportions of both gibbsite and boehmite. Monohydrate bauxite: consisting mainly of boehmite or diaspore and According to their geological formation Lateritic: formed in situ from weathering of aluminous parent rocks in tropical and temperature regions. Consisting mostly of gibbsite or a mixed gibbsite and boehmitecontent. Karst: partially transformed or transformed bauxite materials washed and accumulated in eroded limestone cavities where further transformation can occur. Commercially significant karst bauxites occur in Europe, the Middle East,...
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